On the Eighth Day of Beauty My True Love Gave to Me….

Motherhood + Life

Per door eight on the 12 days of beauty box I was going to experience some R&R!   After sleepless nights with my 4 month old I could really use some R&R!! So I decided to take full advantage, I felt as though this beauty box was giving me permission to get some R&R!! So as I opened door number eight I found a mask for my hair, yes my dry frizzy hair that could really use some love!


I got my little lovebug down for her nap and decided to take full advantage of the time I had to take a long hot shower and use my hair mask.  Yes, instead of my 5-minute shower I allowed myself a long enough shower to put my hair mask on and let it sit for 5 minutes. Yes, 5 extra minutes to myself was extraordinary!


The hair mask was a NEXXUS Humectress Ultimate Moisture Mask.  After I had shampooed I put the mask on and combed it through then left it on for 5 minutes.  After rinsing it out and drying I could tell my hair was a lot silkier.  My hair felt and smelt like I had been to the salon all morning! Guess that’s what they meant by R&R.



Check out what my love brought me on day seven here!