DIY: Gratitude Tree

Happiness + Gratitude, Style + DIY

We are almost halfway through our gratitude challenge and it’s been a lot of fun! I’m glad to see so many of you on our social media accounts joining in! Be sure to check out our facebook and IG to see what’s going on!

On theme with our gratitude challenge we made a gratitude tree, to keep track of all the things we are grateful for! We put a little twist on ours though! On one side of the wood slice is written what we are grateful for and on the other side is a motivational message!

I’m going to be honest here, although I LOVED the idea, I wasn’t thrilled with the final product (at first!). However, when my three year old Parker’s eyes lit up and he fell in love with our new tree, I knew it was going to stay. For someone reason, when he looked at it the way he did, I was able to see it in a different light. That’s kind of how changing your perception works. You can look at something (a negative situation) one way but if you just change the way your looking at it, you can see it through new eyes and realize all of the wonderful things about it!

Now I couldn’t imagine walking into my kitchen without our gratitude tree! Pictures don’t do it justice, at all! It fills the space with so much love and joy, it almost radiates! And I believe it’s all the wonderful energy behind it and all the love that was put into making it.

To make your own gratitude tree you’ll need:

  1. A vase (ours was from my wedding but here’s a similar one)
  2. Gathered twigs
  3. Chalkboard paint
  4. Vase filler (rocks or sand work)
  5. Chalk pen
  6. Twine
  7. Stickers (optional)
  8. Small Wood Slices

Take your vase and fill it up with your filler half way, then arrange your twigs (make sure they are strong enough for your wood slices to hang! I’ve found the closet together your arrange the twigs the better, kind of in a bundle in the middle of the vase. Then fill the rest of the way with your rocks or sand to hold the twigs in place.

Next prepare your wood slices, paint or spray your chalkboard paint on. It’s optional but to make them perfectly round use a stencil. After they are dry, drill a small hole in the top and string through your twine to make your ornament.

Next write what you are grateful for on one side and if you want, place your sticker on the back. Hang your ornaments and voila! You have yourself a gratitude tree that will keep you motivated!

By putting your tree somewhere you will see it often, your more likely to feel grateful multiple times through out the day! It’s a great reminder! It’s like when I see it I can help but feel happy😊


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