30 Day Gratitude Challenge: Welcome to Week Three

Happiness + Gratitude


Welcome back for another week of gratitude! We feel very blessed that you are here with us today! The power of gratitude can bring so much joy into your life. It’s important to find joy in the little moments and remember to have fun! For those who have been following this challenge, I hope that you already feel a little lighter and happier and more grateful! Please check in with us, we’d LOVE to hear from you!

So, grab your journals and bring an open heart and invite the beautiful power of gratitude to take charge in your life.

The prompts below will tell you what you should do each day for the next seven days!

Welcome to Week Three

1 Begin the next seven days by writing 10 things that you are grateful for.

2 Write a thank you card to someone, it up to you whether you actually send it!

3 Make a list of all of your desires, while focusing on the area of your heart, be grateful for each one.

4 Sit in silence for 2 minutes and feel as grateful as you possibly can.

5 Make a list of 10 things in nature you are grateful for. Air, Water Sky, etc. Write why you are grateful for each one.

6 Be grateful for your body and health. A lot of time we only think about our health when we are sick. But let us focus on all the positive things our body does for us and how amazing it is, everyday. Be grateful for your health, especially when you are well.

7 Say thank you before you eat anything today. A lot of people say grace when they sit down for dinner! But make a point to say thank you at breakfast, lunch and dinner and even when your just snacking!


That’s it! I hope you have a great week and remember that we have a giveaway during our 30 day gratitude challenge that you won’t want to miss! You can check it out here.

Please leave us a comment to let us know how the challenge is going for you? Tell us what you have to be grateful for this week. Or ask us any questions you may have!


30 Day Gratitude Challenge: Welcome to Week Two

Happiness + Gratitude

The Beautiful Power of Gratitude

Welcome back for another week of gratitude. We are so excited that you are here to join us! The power of gratitude can bring so much joy into your life. We really do hope you have been enjoying yourself! It’s important to find joy in the little moments and have fun! It doesn’t have to be so serious all the time! The more you take the time to “play” and enjoy life, the more joyful you will feel and realize that life is full of fun and has a lot to offer you!

So, grab your journals and bring an open heart and invite the beautiful power of gratitude to take charge in your life.

The prompts below will tell you what you should do each day for the next seven days!

Welcome to Week Two

  1. Write 10 things you are grateful for!
  2. Make a conscious effort to say thank you all through out the day! Say thank you to God when you wake up. Say thank you to the person who holds the door open for you. Say thank you to your mail carrier or paper boy! Say thank you to the bus driver. Say thank you to the cashier…etc.
  3. Its okay to acknowledge the negative things but don’t hang out there all day! Understand that negative things may happen, but realize that your reaction to them is what matters. For today, every time something negative happens, really think about the silver lining. Turn your negatives into positives!
  4. Today really be thankful for the job you have or the work you do. This could be a corporate job or your work as a stay at home mother and homemaker. Even if your job is not your dream job. Think of all the positive things about your position. The more positive things you think about you current position and the more gratitude you feel towards it, the more likely you are to manifest your dream job into your life. By being more positive and grateful, you will have a better attitude. This might bring you that promotion you’ve been looking for or a raise. It may open up your mind to more opportunities that were there before but you couldn’t see because you were too busy complaining. Write a list of 10 things you have to be grateful for about your job/position.
  5. Sit and think about all the abundance in your life. At first you may think that you are lacking. However, if you look back through your life and try to make a mental list of ALL the times you’ve ever received money, you’d probably lose count. Try to think back and say thank you for all the monetary things you’ve ever received! Did you have food to eat, growing up? Did you go to school and have text books? Do you have a job and receive a paycheck? Have you ever received a gift? All of those things cost money. Really be grateful for the money for your life and you will attract more to you.
  6. Go a WHOLE day without complaining. Really try and focus on not complaining today, it may seem easy, but you’ll probably catch yourself slipping up. Make a conscious effort not to complain but if you start to, turn it around with….but I really like this about it or …..but she really is great at this. And turn the complaint into a praise or compliment. Can you go a whole day without complaining?
  7. Write in your journal today about something that made you smile 🙂


That’s it! I hope you have a great week and remember that we have a giveaway during our 30 day gratitude challenge that you won’t want to miss! You can check it out here.

Please leave us a comment to let us know how the challenge is going for you? Tell us what you have to be grateful for this week. Or ask us any questions you may have!


5 Scriptures for a Grateful Heart

Happiness + Gratitude, On Sundays: We Make Lists

It’s November and we all know what that means….. Thanksgiving! While we think about the big feast we are all about to partake in at the end of the month. The turkey, the mashed potatoes, the cranberry sauce (for those of you who like that stuff). Let us also remember that this month is a time to focus on being thankful.  This month as you may know we are doing our 30 Day Gratitude Challenge, and in honor of that I would like to give you some scripture to reflect on during this month.

Every day you should wake up feeling grateful for the things that the Lord has blessed you with. This starts your day off right. So, wake up every morning and think of all that you have to be grateful for and even sing a joyful song, to let the Lord know you are thankful for the life he has given you each day.

Sometimes worry and anxiety will creep into your mind. Instead of letting it linger there, give it up to the Lord. Thank him for taking your worry and anxiety away and turning your thoughts in a more positive direction.  Practicing this every day will make it easier and change the way you think on a day to day basis.

Be thankful for all of the people and things that you have in your life. For it was the Lord that created all of this.  Even when things don’t seem to be going your way know that the Lord has a reason for everything and be thankful for the blessing that will come from whatever it is that may have you down.  Worship the lord even in your darkest of days.

Don’t just say you are grateful, you must use your talents that the Lord has given you to show him that you are grateful for the blessings he has bestowed upon you.  Serve where you can in honor of the Lord God giving you these blessings.  Praise him so that others will know him.

The Lord wants us to have a peaceful heart.  So give your heart over to the Lord and be thankful for all of the blessings in your life.

I hope these scriptures touched your life in some way.  Giving Thanks should not be restricted to just the month of November. Practice these things throughout life and you will feel peace and joy every day.

What are some of your favorite scriptures for Thanksgiving?


Join Our 30 Day Gratitude Challenge Starting in November *GIVEAWAY ANNOUNCEMENT*

Happiness + Gratitude, Motherhood + Life

Gratitude is a beautiful thing:

I truly believe that it is one of the quickest ways to transform your life! This November we will be hosting a Gratitude Challenge here at Kindness Curated and it’s super simple to join! Just grab an empty journal and bring an open heart!

Below I’m going to give a brief explanation of what we will be doing over the next 30 days! Continue to check out the blog through out November for updates and more in depth information about the challenge. Sarah and I will be doing it along with you and will keep you up to date on how our personal challenges are going!

We really do hope you will consider joining us! By taking 5-10 minutes every day to complete the journal prompt or activity you will be inviting the magical power of gratitude into your life!

Most of us think that we are pretty grateful people. We say thank you every time someone does something for us and we are thankful for our friends and family. But really making a conscious effort to be grateful every day, does have the power to heal and transform our broken hearts, mind and lives.

30 Day Gratitude Challenge:

Week One

  1. Write 10 things you are grateful for.
  2. Turn negative thoughts into positive ones.
  3. Write for 2 minutes and come up with every possible thing you have to be grateful for.
  4. Practice sincerely FEELING gratitude.
  5. Write a list of accomplishments and then think and say thank you to the person or thing that made it possible.
  6. Who are you most thankful for? Write a letter telling them.
  7. Take a Walk

Week 2

  1. Write 10 things you have to be grateful for.
  2. Make a conscious effort to say thank you.
  3. Acknowledge the negative things and turn them into positives.
  4. Be thankful for your job/work.
  5. Be grateful for all the money you’ve ever been given.
  6. Go a whole day without complaining!
  7. Write about something that made you smile today!

Week 3

  1. Write 10 things that you are grateful for.
  2. Write a thank you card.
  3. Make a list of your desires, while focusing on the area of your heart, be grateful for each one.
  4. Sit in silence for 2 minutes and feel as grateful as you possibly can
  5. Make a list of 10 things in nature you are grateful for.
  6. Be grateful for your body and health
  7. Say thank you before you eat anything today.

Week 4

  1. Make a list of all your desires and feel grateful for them as if you already have them.
  2. Be grateful for 3 important people in your life!
  3. Write 10 things you are grateful for!
  4. Blessings from mistakes.
  5. Say thank you for everything you see around you that you like or want.
  6. Sit for 2 minutes and meditate on being thankful.
  7. Make a list of 10 desires and feel with all your heart that you have them.
  8. Turn a bad relationship into a good one with gratitude.
  9. Write 10 things you have to be grateful for!


If you plan on joining along with us, please leave a comment below!  As a thank you for taking part in our gratitude challenge we will be holding a giveaway which will be revealed in our next post!!

Make sure to follow our blog so that you can get all of the updates!

❤ Corinne