Magic Monday Kindness: A Little Bit of Giving

Acts of Kindness

It’s Monday again and time to spread some kindness to others. We love to give knowing that it could change someone’s day for the better. To light up another’s day gives us so much joy, and we hope it gives the person receiving the gift just as much joy. We also have the hopes that it will give them a little inspiration to do a kind act in return for someone else. No act is too small, even a smile to a stranger will do.

Today we were inspired to give, so we set out to Target with our $1 bills. These $1 bills had attached to them a small note with the scripture “Give, and it will be given to you” Luke 6:38. We placed them all around the dollar spot at Target in hopes that these gifts would brighten someone’s day, and inspire them to continue spreading kindness to others.

What are some Random Acts of Kindness you would like to see us do next?

~Sarah 💗

30 Day Gratitude Challenge: Welcome to Week 4 and Your Last Chance to Enter the Giveaway

Happiness + Gratitude

Gratitude and Thanksgiving

Welcome back for our last full week of our gratitude challenge! We are so grateful for all of you, who have followed along with us this month. We want to wish you a very happy Thanksgiving with your friends and family this week. We hope that all of you will be wrapped in warmth and love throughout this holiday season. Thank you so much for supporting us and for joining us in this challenge. We’ve loved hearing from all of you through our social media channels on Instagram and Facebook. Please continue to comment and join in on our conversations! Now let’s dive in to our last week + 2 days of gratitude prompts and activities! Also don’t forget to enter the GIVEAWAY!

Grab your journals and bring an open heart and invite the beautiful power of gratitude to take charge in your life.

The prompts below will tell you what you should do each day for the next nine days!

Welcome to Week Four

  1. Make a list of all your desires. Sit in silence and feel grateful for them as if you already have them!
  2. Be grateful for 3 important people in your life! Write in your journal 5 reasons you are grateful for each person.
  3. Write about 10 things you are grateful for!
  4. We all have things that we regret or mistakes that we have made but we should let them go and know that they have made us stronger. Today write about a mistake and then write about 5 blessings that came from it. This may be hard for some but I promise if you really think about it, you’ll realize good things have come from your “mistake”
  5. Say thank you for everything you see around you that you like or want. Being thankful for the things you want, instead of focusing on not having them will attract more of those things into your life.
  6. Sit for 2 minutes and meditate on being thankful.
  7. Make a list of 10 desires and feel with all your heart that you have them.
  8. Turn a bad relationship into a good one with gratitude. Find a picture of the person you may have a tumultuous relationship with or at-least one that could be better. Your husband, your mother in law, your child etc. Write in your journal 10 things about that person you appreciate, like about them or are grateful for. Carry their picture with you today. On three different occasions look at their picture and say thank you.
  9. Write 10 things you have to be grateful for!


That’s it! I hope you have a great week and remember that we have a giveaway during our 30 day gratitude challenge that you won’t want to miss! You can check it out here. The giveaway ends on the 30th! So get your entries in!

Please leave us a comment to let us know how the challenge is going for you? Tell us what you have to be grateful for this week. Or ask us any questions you may have!


Magic Monday Kindness: Self Love

Acts of Kindness, Happiness + Gratitude

As you have noticed here at Kindness Curated we like to embark every Monday on a Kindness adventure by bringing kindness to others.  We have done things like set love notes around town, given our mail carriers a small gift, and donated toys to the church nursery.  These acts hopefully bring these recipients joy and in return they spread kindness as well.  Today though I want to talk about self kindness.  We can spread as much kindness as we possibly can to others but do we even think about taking time to be kind to ourselves?

For today’s Magic Monday Kindness I would like us to take a minute to be kind to ourselves.  Today I woke up and looked in the mirror, and instead of the usual “I need to lose some weight, I need to dye my hair, etc” I looked at myself and said, “you are beautiful, you are worthy, you are capable of all things you set your mind to.”  Just by saying these things I felt so much better about myself and about the day ahead.

Starting the day being kind to yourself will put you in the right mood to be kind to others.  Random acts of kindness do not have to be huge.  Just by smiling at a stranger you could possibly change their whole day.  Now think if you hadn’t woken up today and told yourself how wonderful you were, you may not have been in the mood to smile at that stranger and change their day for the better.

So wake up, be kind and respectful to yourself each and every day.


30 Day Gratitude Challenge: Welcome to Week Three

Happiness + Gratitude


Welcome back for another week of gratitude! We feel very blessed that you are here with us today! The power of gratitude can bring so much joy into your life. It’s important to find joy in the little moments and remember to have fun! For those who have been following this challenge, I hope that you already feel a little lighter and happier and more grateful! Please check in with us, we’d LOVE to hear from you!

So, grab your journals and bring an open heart and invite the beautiful power of gratitude to take charge in your life.

The prompts below will tell you what you should do each day for the next seven days!

Welcome to Week Three

1 Begin the next seven days by writing 10 things that you are grateful for.

2 Write a thank you card to someone, it up to you whether you actually send it!

3 Make a list of all of your desires, while focusing on the area of your heart, be grateful for each one.

4 Sit in silence for 2 minutes and feel as grateful as you possibly can.

5 Make a list of 10 things in nature you are grateful for. Air, Water Sky, etc. Write why you are grateful for each one.

6 Be grateful for your body and health. A lot of time we only think about our health when we are sick. But let us focus on all the positive things our body does for us and how amazing it is, everyday. Be grateful for your health, especially when you are well.

7 Say thank you before you eat anything today. A lot of people say grace when they sit down for dinner! But make a point to say thank you at breakfast, lunch and dinner and even when your just snacking!


That’s it! I hope you have a great week and remember that we have a giveaway during our 30 day gratitude challenge that you won’t want to miss! You can check it out here.

Please leave us a comment to let us know how the challenge is going for you? Tell us what you have to be grateful for this week. Or ask us any questions you may have!


30 Day Gratitude Challenge: Welcome to Week Two

Happiness + Gratitude

The Beautiful Power of Gratitude

Welcome back for another week of gratitude. We are so excited that you are here to join us! The power of gratitude can bring so much joy into your life. We really do hope you have been enjoying yourself! It’s important to find joy in the little moments and have fun! It doesn’t have to be so serious all the time! The more you take the time to “play” and enjoy life, the more joyful you will feel and realize that life is full of fun and has a lot to offer you!

So, grab your journals and bring an open heart and invite the beautiful power of gratitude to take charge in your life.

The prompts below will tell you what you should do each day for the next seven days!

Welcome to Week Two

  1. Write 10 things you are grateful for!
  2. Make a conscious effort to say thank you all through out the day! Say thank you to God when you wake up. Say thank you to the person who holds the door open for you. Say thank you to your mail carrier or paper boy! Say thank you to the bus driver. Say thank you to the cashier…etc.
  3. Its okay to acknowledge the negative things but don’t hang out there all day! Understand that negative things may happen, but realize that your reaction to them is what matters. For today, every time something negative happens, really think about the silver lining. Turn your negatives into positives!
  4. Today really be thankful for the job you have or the work you do. This could be a corporate job or your work as a stay at home mother and homemaker. Even if your job is not your dream job. Think of all the positive things about your position. The more positive things you think about you current position and the more gratitude you feel towards it, the more likely you are to manifest your dream job into your life. By being more positive and grateful, you will have a better attitude. This might bring you that promotion you’ve been looking for or a raise. It may open up your mind to more opportunities that were there before but you couldn’t see because you were too busy complaining. Write a list of 10 things you have to be grateful for about your job/position.
  5. Sit and think about all the abundance in your life. At first you may think that you are lacking. However, if you look back through your life and try to make a mental list of ALL the times you’ve ever received money, you’d probably lose count. Try to think back and say thank you for all the monetary things you’ve ever received! Did you have food to eat, growing up? Did you go to school and have text books? Do you have a job and receive a paycheck? Have you ever received a gift? All of those things cost money. Really be grateful for the money for your life and you will attract more to you.
  6. Go a WHOLE day without complaining. Really try and focus on not complaining today, it may seem easy, but you’ll probably catch yourself slipping up. Make a conscious effort not to complain but if you start to, turn it around with….but I really like this about it or …..but she really is great at this. And turn the complaint into a praise or compliment. Can you go a whole day without complaining?
  7. Write in your journal today about something that made you smile 🙂


That’s it! I hope you have a great week and remember that we have a giveaway during our 30 day gratitude challenge that you won’t want to miss! You can check it out here.

Please leave us a comment to let us know how the challenge is going for you? Tell us what you have to be grateful for this week. Or ask us any questions you may have!


A Little Magic Monday Kindness: Getting Kids Involved

Acts of Kindness, Happiness + Gratitude

It’s that time again, Kindness Monday! We at Kindness Curated truly believe a little kindness has the power to change the world. That’s why it’s so important to teach the power of kindness to your children. Getting kids involved in random acts of kindness will show them that not only does a good deed make the recipient happy but it brings a lot of joy to your life as well! Being kind and making a point to show respect, compassion and kindness when you are out and about, is a great place to start. Children learn by example so make sure you are paying attention to the example you are giving them! Turn everyday moments into teaching moments for your children to learn about kindness!

For the most part though, children are inherently kind. It’s us adults that need some more practice at it!

The other afternoon, exhausted after picking up the same toy twenty million times. The same toy that wasn’t even played with. It was just taken out of the toy box and strewn around the floor with all the other toys that had not really been played with. I decided something had to be done! I recently became the nursery attendant at our church and soon realized most of the toys that were there had been there even before I attended the nursery as a baby! While some of the toys were still in good shape (they just needed a good cleaning) others really needed to be removed.

Looking around at all the barely used, awesome toys we had laying around. I decided to ask Parker if we could donate some of his toys to the church! Normally he is very protective over his stuff, so I braced myself for some toddler tears and a negative answer! However I was pleasantly surprised (and super proud😭☺️) when Parker said, “Yeah mommy!, then everyone can play with me toys!” So we happily gathered up A LOT of toys and took them to their new home!

I encourage you to look around! Does your house feel overwhelmed by toys?! How about teaching our children that we don’t need a bunch of stuff, thats not what makes our hearts happy, teach them to give some of their stuff to someone who may need it more! That is what will make your heart happy!

I like the idea of being able to take care of an overwhelming toy situation and give to those who need it more! Consider donating your toys to a local church or shelter! Just make sure you ask before you show up with your pile of toys! Some places will take them and others will not but I promised you some child some where will be happy to play with all of those toys!

Please be mindful that you should only donate toys that are still in new or good condition! When I was going through all of our toys, I decided to downsize a lot! But I made sure to separate things into piles, what I was giving to the church nursery, what I was taking to the Goodwill and what just needed to be thrown away!

This is a great way to organize and get rid of a lot of excess stuff you may have laying around, not just toys but baby items as well (we donated our baby swing a little while ago and it’s been so helpful in the nursery!), and things out of your own closet as well.

I feel like it’s easy to get weighed down by SO much stuff! Donating is a great way to help someone in need and it’s a great way to make your life feel lighter and happier!

Have a great week and go:

“Sprinkle kindness around like confetti!”

💖 Corinne

30 Day Gratitude Challenge: Welcome to Week One *giveaway*

Happiness + Gratitude

Grab your journal and an open heart and invite the beautiful power of gratitude to take charge in your life.

The prompts below will tell you what you should do each day of this week!

Make sure to read through to the bottom of this post to find out about the giveaway😊

Week One

  1. Write 10 things you are grateful for!
  2. Turn negative thoughts into positive ones. Every time you think of a worse case scenario through out the day, turn it around and think of 3 good ways it will turn out. Training your brain like this will cause you to start automatically think more positively!
  3. Write for 2 minutes and come up with every possible thing you have to be grateful for. Use the stopwatch on your phone or another timing device.
  4. Sit (in silence, if possible) and practice sincerely FEELING grateful. Focus on your heart and your feelings and less on your thoughts.
  5. Write a list of accomplishments and then think and say thank you to the person or thing that made it possible.
  6. Who are you most thankful for? Write a letter telling them! It’s up to your whether you give it to them or not!
  7. Take a walk, look around and see everything you have to be thankful for.

The feeling you have when doing these practices is what matters the most. However you’ll get better with time and start to feel more grateful because that’s how practicing gratitude work. The more work you put into feeling grateful the more you will start automatically feeling it all the time.

For the first prompt above I like to write my gratitude list in the format below. Thanking someone or something allows you to feel more grateful. Customize how you write your list in a way that allows YOU to feel the most grateful.

1. Thank you God for my beautiful boys, they have taught me so much about love and patience.

2. Thank you God for the home I live in, a place to keep my family safe and warm.



Now for the giveaway!! Just for participating in our gratitude challenge, you will get a chance to win a sweet little prize pack!

Someone will win their choice of one of these beautiful promoted journals!!

Weekly Prayer Project

52 Lists of Happiness

Beautiful pen set, a personalized note and a target gift card to keep and one to give to a friend so that you all can get some coffee or some things for your journals.

There are a couple different ways to enter:

1. Follow our blog and write a comment below!

2.Like our FB page and comment on the gratitude post!

3. Follow our IG account (@KindnessCurated) and comment on the photo that matches the featured photo above on this post. Comment with a 💖 so we know you are coming from the blog! If you are also entering on IG make sure to leave your IG handle below in your comment☺️

You will receive an entry into the giveaway each time.

This giveaway is in no way sponsored and is just a way for us to say thank you for joining us! The winner will be announced on the 30th of November!

Check in with us through out the week to tell us how your gratitude challenge is going!!

5 simple things to do every single day for a HAPPIER life!

Happiness + Gratitude, On Sundays: We Make Lists, Uncategorized

5 simple things you can do every single day to have a happier life:

1. Make a conscious effort to start and end your day with gratitude! In the morning write down five things you’re grateful for. Then before going to bed think about all the good things that happened in your day and everything you have to be thankful for.

2.Eat a nutritious breakfast everyday! Making sure to drink water and get a nutritious start to your day is important! Because we all know being HANGRY is a real thing! 😉

3. Read something everyday! Take a couple minutes every day to read something inspirational or educational. I personally like to start my day off with a devotional and right now Jesus Always is my favorite one! If you’re looking for some motivation and inspiration, it’s chock full of it!

4.Exercise at least 15 minutes every day. It’s not easy to always fit in 30 to 40 minutes of exercise every day, especially for us moms. But there is no excuse to not take at least 15 minutes every day to do something active. You’ll be surprised at the results you can see from just 15 minutes a day. I plan on sharing with you some of my own 15 minute routines that have made a huge improvement with hardly any time commitment at all. Check out this article for another great way to get your 15 minutes of exercise with some added mood boosting benefits.

5. Smile every chance you get! We’ve all heard the saying “fake it til you make it!” I’m not suggesting that you have to be happy all the time even when you’re not. Ignoring negative emotions can actually make them worse. But really try and focus on smiling more! Realize that you have control of your feelings and the way you react to situations. By feeling happier and focusing on smiling more, you will start to subconsciously become happier and smile more automatically!

These all seem pretty self explanatory, but if you ask yourself whether you do each one of them, EVERY SINGLE DAY, the answer is probably no. Try it out for just one week and write down in the comments below if you see/feel any improvement! 🙂


❤ Corinne

Magic Monday Kindness: Love Notes

Happiness + Gratitude

We believe the way in which you start your week is a good indicator of how the rest of your week may go. So why not make yours and someone else’s week a little more special with a little magic Monday kindness!

Here at the Kindness Curated, we’re all about promoting kindness and happiness to the rest of the world! Remember that even though you are just one person, the impact you have on other people does matter! The gesture does not have to be grand for the effect to be wide. An act of kindness can spread like wild fire from one person to another. Keep this in your heart and remember it. “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop.

Please leave us a comment below telling us what you are doing on kindness Monday or any other day to make the world a better place!

This Monday we’ve placed love notes throughout town for people to find💖💖💖

“You are wonderfully made! You were made for amazing things! Don’t let anyone tell you differently. Be yourself! Be bold! And you can change the world for the better! #kindnessmatters Your words, actions, and thoughts DO make a difference. Always love! Forgive people when they have bad days. But also remember to love yourself! The world needs more people like you!”💖

“You’re some kind of wonderful”

Spreading cheer at the pumpkin patch! “You are worthy of a beautiful life!”


5 Halloween Books Babies + Toddlers Will Love

Motherhood + Life


We LOVE books in our household! Sitting down together to read a book is really the only activity that the boys will do together with out trying to wrestle each other…(boys🙄) So we end up reading A LOT!

I thought I’d share with you our top 5 books for the Halloween season👻🎃

If You’re Spooky and You Know It
1. Toddlers and baby’s alike will be dancing along to this cute little Halloween favorite! If You’re Spooky and You Know It, is of course based off the classic children’s song: If You’re Happy and You Know It! It’s full of super cute monsters and ghouls, who will be clapping along with your baby!

Halloween ABC
2. A simple option for babies and toddlers learning their ABC’s is the adorable book, Halloween ABC. The fun illustrations in this little alphabet book will have your baby pointing and turning pages all on their own!

There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat! (A Board Book)
3.The old lady is at it again! Another edition of the popular classic The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly. It’s sure to have your toddler laughing along!

Goodnight Goon: a Petrifying Parody
4.My ultimate favorite of the list is the spooky twist on ever popular, Goodnight Moon. Goodnight Goon is so cute and clever! Any child who loves Goodnight Moon will get a kick out of this parody.

All Aboard the Spooky Express!
5.Toddlers and young children alike will fall in love with this Halloween version of The Polar Express. It takes kids on a thrilling train ride! They’ll be asking to read it every Halloween season!

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I know I said five but here’s a bonus!! Babies and toddlers will love looking through Peek-a-Flap BOO , either with you or on their own! The bright and glossy illustrations are beautiful and eye catching for the young and young at heart! It boasts lots of peek through holes and over 10 chunky flaps! It also has lots of little facts hidden inside for all ages to enjoy, like the fact that most pumpkins are grown on farms in Illinois and bats are the only mammals that can fly! I’d have to say this is Radley’s ultimate favorite right now!


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